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Setting Up  7000

Soil Profile, Borehole and Core-Logging 32/64-bit PC Software

What are dotPLOT and HotPlot?

If you don't know what dotPLOT is and what it can do, click here to go to the main dotPLOT page.

If you don't know where HotPlot fits in, click here to go to the HotPlot page.

For a list of recent revisions, click here to see What's New in dotPLOT and HotPlot

There is a Tips and Tricks page for dotPLOT.  Visit it for your oddball queries and to learn more about the program's quirks.

Latest Versions

The latest dotPLOT version is dot7022 of 10 February 2017.  The latest compatible HotPlot is Version 3.22.0 – 10 February 2017.  HotPlot and dotPLOT are supplied in a combined package and install in the same process.  The package includes a dotPLOT User Manual, current for dot7003 and HotPlot 3.4.0 of 16 September 2011, and up-to-date on-line HTML Help for HotPlot.  These can also be downloaded separately.

Operating System and PC Required

The dot7000 series runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8 and 8.1, both on 32-bit and 64-bit machines.  "Home" versions of Windows are generally not supported, but the dot7000 version does run on Windows Vista Home.


This software has been tested extensively and never been known to damage a PC, contain viruses, or lose files.  Nevertheless, as with all software, neither Software Africa nor any of its staff assume any liability for any loss you may suffer as a result of using this software.  By using it you assume full responsibilityPlease back up your previous dotPLOT files before testing this software.

Download and Install the  HotPlot + dotPLOT Combined Package for Windows:

You can upgrade to the latest dot7000 series dotPLOT and HotPlot with this download.  If you do not have the package yet, download the program here and run it in Demo mode until you are ready to licence it.  If you want to run dotPLOT from DOS without using HotPlot, scroll down to the foot of the page.


  1. If you previously installed HotPlot (whether for 32- or 64-bit), you need not uninstall it: The new setup will simply write over it. If you really want to uninstall, please see below and make sure you have backups of your customised files.
  2. If HotPlot and/or dotPLOT are running, close them first so that the programs can be replaced.
  3. Click here to Open the Combined dotPLOT + HotPlot Setup Package Hot7000Setup.exe (4,820 KB).
  4. When you click the above link your Internet Explorer browser will ask if you want to Run or Save the file.  Choose Run.
    Other browsers, like Google Chrome, may only allow you to Save – in that case, Save it first and then Run it.
    (for multiple PCs, you can Save it and then Run it later on each PC)
  5. Wait a minute or two until the program has downloaded.
  6. A screen will open saying "Welcome to the dotPLOT and HotPlot Setup Wizard". Click Next >.
  7. "Select destination location". The Setup Wizard will propose to install HotPlot into the folder C:\Program Files\HotPlot.
    dotPLOT will always install into C:\dot7000. Existing *.SET, LOGO?, and ???VOCAB.* files will NOT be overwritten. Click Next >.
  8. The Setup Wizard may say that the folder: C:\Program Files\HotPlot already exists. Would you like to install to that folder anyway?
    Click Yes.
  9. "Ready to Install". Click Install.
  10. If you have a slow PC and a lot of programs running, there may be a long pause before the next step, during which the program is shown as "Not Responding".  Try closing all other programs.
  11. The installation should run, with progress shown by a progress bar.
  12.  After a few moments it should say: "Completing the dotPLOT and HotPlot Setup Wizard".
  13. Tick the appropriate box if you would like to:
    • Copy your setup files from an existing dot5000 installation on the same PC.
      NB: Only do this for your first installation of dot7000, otherwise you will overwrite your newer files!
    • Copy your setup files from an existing dot6000 installation on the same PC.
      NB: Only do this for your first installation of dot7000, otherwise you will overwrite your newer files!
    • run HotPlot now,
    • open the HELP file, and/or
    • open the User Manual (PDF file)
  14. Click Finish.
  15. You need to have a separate program that can read PDF files, such as Adobe Reader (58 MB), available free here)

After Installation:

  • You should find a "red dot" HotPlot icon on your desktop, and another on Start > Programs.
  • When you first run HotPlot, it will notice that you have dotPLOT installed and set the path (C:\dot7000) in the top box.
  • Click Help for pointers on getting started.
  • Sample Text files are installed on C:\dot7000\Examples
  • Manuals and sample output are installed on C:\dot7000\Manual
  • If this is a new installation, click the License button for instructions on how to License dotPLOT (and see below).
  • You can upgrade the system at any time by repeating the installation process.

The program will run as a demo until licensed.  See below for the licensing process.  If you have a dot6000 license, it will not work on dot7000: You will need to upgrade (R3000 + VAT): Please See below for the licensing process.

Comparing Different Versions:

dotPLOT 7000 will install on the folder C:\dot7000.  You may already have a dotPLOT 6000-series version installed on the folder C:\dot6000.  You can swap from one to the other in HotPlot simply by changing the address in the top box to either C:\dot7000 or C:\dot6000 as required.


From 31 July 2012, a new setup over an existing one will no longer leave another Setup in the list of installed programs, so there is no need to uninstall before reinstalling.

If you want to uninstall for any reason, please note that all the files installed by Setup, including in the sub-folders, will be deleted except for those listed below –make sure you have backups if you changed any!  Custom files will not be deleted.

For safety's sake the following standard files will not be deleted, whether you have changed them or not:


To uninstall dotPLOT + HotPlot, on newer PCs, use Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > Click "dotPLOT in C:\dot7000 plus HotPlot", Uninstall. On older machines, use Start Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Click "dotPLOT in C:\dot7000 plus HotPlot", Remove.

This install includes the latest User Manual and Examples, but not the Tutorial, which you can download from here:

Download Tutor, Examples and Manuals

These are PDF files: You will need Adobe Reader to be able to read or print them.  Click on the hyperlink and choose "Save" (save to folder C:\dot7000\manuals, which you may need to create for the purpose):

Not included in the Install packages:

  • dotPLOT Tutor (4 MB): 47-page Tutorial with extensive examples and exercises, not updated for dot7000 features yet.

The following are included in the Install packages: Download them only if you are not installing yet.

  • dotPLOT Examples (426 KB): 14 pages of examples of dotPLOT output.
  • dotPLOT Symbols (198 KB): Chapter 8 Examples from the User Manual (soil and rock symbols).
  • dotPLOT User Manual (697 KB): Detailed 78-page User Manual for dot6008, dot7003 and HotPlot 3.4.0 (recent major releases) with extensive Index.
  • HotPlot Help File (1409 KB, Version 3.22.0 – 10 February 2017) in case you want to get an overview of HotPlot without installing it.

Demo Version and Licensing

Until it is licensed, dotPLOT will run as a fully-functional Demo program.  The only restrictions are that your company name will not appear on the output, and a watermark of "DEMO" will appear on the output, gradually darkening with each printout.

Once you have paid, dotPLOT is licensed by means of a security file loaded on your own USB flash drive ("dongle"), a local (C:) drive, or any network drive. Input and testing can be done on any PC, but the the drive must be available (with sufficient licenses) to do final output.  The output is personalized to your company and the flash drive is therefore worthless to a thief, but should be insured for the replacement cost of the drive plus R1000 + VAT (.

To access the licensing procedure, run HotPlot and click the License button: You will be asked for your company details.  Fill these in and then e-mail us the file C:\dot7000\MAILFORM.OUT.  We will reply with your license file and the location to which to save it.

Free Educational- and Cheaper Academic Licensing

Legitimate educational institutions can license dotPLOT more cheaply, or even free of charge, as follows:

  1. Free Educational Licences: Licences are free of charge, and unlimited in quantity.  Phone 011 802-2685 / 6440 (within South Africa) or Internationally +27 11 802-2685, or e-mail us for approval.  You must be a legitimate educational institution with a need to produce soil profiles and/or borehole logs. The only restriction on the program is that a light watermark of "DEMO" will appear on the output; unlike the normal Demo, this does not gradually darken with each printout.
  2. Half-Price Academic-Commercial Licence: If you are a lecturer or professor at an approved educational institution and wish to use dotPLOT both for academic use (teaching) as well as consulting (for paying clients), you can get one full licence, free of the the "DEMO" watermark, for half the normal price.  Please phone or or e-mail us for approval.

Running dotPLOT directly from Windows

dotPLOT is a DOS program.  You can run it directly in a DOS Window by first running HotPlot and then clicking the button "Go to dotPLOT". If you want to run dotPLOT on its own without using HotPlot, in Microsoft Windows you can run it in a DOS Window as follows:

  • Click Start > Run.
  • Type in (or Browse for) C:\dot7000\PROFILE.EXE
  • Click OK.
  • dotPLOT will start and display a DOS screen.
  • dotPLOT uses the function keys F1 to F5. See the User Manual for instructions.
  • Press Esc to exit the program.

If you prefer, create a Desktop Shortcut pointing to C:\dot7000\PROFILE.EXE, starting up in C:\dot7000\


dotPLOT and HotPlot Setup is created using Inno Setup by Jordan Russell https://www.jrsoftware.org and InnoIDE by Graham Murt https://www.innoide.org

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